Police Authorities


For police work, rola offers the rsCASE® variant of rsFrame® for criminal case processing and the rsEvid® variant for management of evidence and court exhibits, in addition the rsExTract® variant for the analysis of mass data. These solutions can be used either individually or together. The basic principle of single data entry is also maintained when the applications are used together: The systems are seamlessly coupled.

rsCASE® – for police case processing

Collection and evaluation of a wide range of structured and unstructured information from heterogeneous sources, alignment of information with existing knowledge, and identification of relationships – these are the challenges faced daily in case processing by police investigators, whether it be international drug trafficking, smuggling of illegal immigrants or the combating of terrorism. rsCASE® provides comprehensive retrieval and analysis functions for case processing:

  • PIA (Personal Information Assistant): An individually configurable start screen – the “cockpit” for day-to-day work
  • ChartEdit: Graphical data entry via Drag & Drop
  • Automated recognition of duplicate entries with automatic user notification
  • Numerous special retrieval functions such as the structure, path, pattern and similarity searches and the intelligent synetic name search
  • Full-text searching in all information in the database, incl. document contents
  • Searches for persons using biometric data
  • Visualisation in charts and diagrams
  • Entity extraction for the processing of unstructured texts
  • Geographical analyses
  • Data mining and statistics
  • Agent technology for automatic searches in newly received information with active notification

Additional modules offer expert functions for the work of the police specialists:

  • Soko” for special task forces and clue-intensive investigations
  • TKÜ” for lawful interception measures
  • court exhibits module for documenting the history of evidence and court exhibits
  • GPS monitoring for displaying the position of monitored objects and movement profiles
  • case files module for mapping and maintaining file structures and for user-friendly retrieval and analysis
  • DNA module for mass screenings and the evaluation of the data.
rsEvid® – for a comprehensive workflow

With rsEvid®, rola has developed an IT solution that makes all processes of evidence and court exhibit management and evaluation significantly easier, more convenient, faster and more reliable. Documentation of court exhibits and items of evidence, forwarding them to external test facilities, documentation of the results of the tests and data retrieval and evaluation: rsEvid® guarantees a smooth workflow for all aspects of court exhibit management, maintaining the principle of “single entry, multiple use” in respect of information and data. A multi-level rights and roles concept ensures that each user has precisely those functions that he requires for his day-to-day work. Among others, rsEvid® offers the following functions to support the management of court exhibits and evidence:

  • Easy-to-use entry masks with catalogue support and plausibility checks
  • Automatic import of case information and case numbers
  • Export of court exhibits to other cases
  • Subdivision into sub-exhibits and component elements, grouping to form packages of exhibits
  • Visualisation in a tree structure
  • Use of the powerful retrieval functions of rsFrame®/rsCASE®
  • Task management for the processing of exhibits
  • Export of the basic case data and evidence/exhibits to a laboratory information system or a dactyloscopy system
  • Documentation using data matrix scanners / printing of data matrix codes for labels and forms
  • Recording of the entire history of evidence/exhibits in an court exhibits log
  • Export of the exhibits/evidence data of a case to a case processing system such as rsCASE®
  • Interfacing of geo-information systems (GIS) to display geographical relationships
  • Cross-case and cross-location evaluation
  • Scalable rights and roles concept and configurable resubmission date and deletion period monitoring
  • Logging functions