Digital Pathology

Digital Pathology

If your current system does not support Digital Pathology (or does not turn WSI digital pathology images into DICOM), Kanteron Systems can supply your healthcare delivery organization with a module with the following functionality:

  • Pathology samples (WSI) viewer
  • Filtering samples by date, name and last name, clinical (EHR) record number, sample (WSI) type, read/reported/reviewed…
  • Tools: Zoom, scale, navigation thumbnail, Pan, Annotations, Rotate, Compare two WSI…
  • Reporting and viewing reports
  • Storage system allowing samples (WSI) to be uploaded to PACS from remote centers
  • Sample Management: Uploading, Format conversion (DICOM and/or others), Metadata entry, PACS Availability
  • Full workflow solution: Worklists, reports, EHR-LIS integration, real-time and asynchronous collaboration (voice, text, screen)